Sámi Scholarship exhibition 2013

Exhibitors: Matti Aikio, Amund Johnsen Anti, Hanne Grethe Einarsen, Aage Gaup, Bente Geving, Liisa Helander, Lena Johansen, Camilla Utsi Hætta, Inger Blix Kvammen, Gerd Lorås, Joar Nango, Hege Annestad Nilsen, Liv Anita Aronsen Nilsen, Trond Egil Nilsen, Hilde Skancke Pedersen, Margrethe Pettersen, Outi Pieski, Ingunn Moen Reinsnes, Gjert Rognli, Marét Anne Sara, Per Asle Sara, Iria Ciekca Schmidt, Mathias Sivertsen, Anders Sunna, Kristin Tårnesvik, Stein Erik Wouthi.

The Sámi Scholarship Exhibition 2013 consists of works by Sámi artists who have applied for a scholarship for 2014. The exhibition is a plentiful and diverse overall view of the very latest works in Sámi art.


The Sámi Scholarship Exhibition 2013 contains the works of art that the applicants have chosen as part of their applications. There are a number of grants available every year, and, in this exhibition, we show works from all the artists who have submitted an application. For the application, the artists should choose works that represent the most current elements in their work as artists. Thus, the exhibition provides a true and trustworthy map of what is and will be going on in Sámi contemporary art. Have a taste of the diversity. Thirty-nine pieces of art: videos, paintings, sculptures, sámi handicrafts, textile art and photography, prints, etc.

Picture: Outi Pieski, Deatnu, Ijabealle, 2013