Dáiddadállu 10 years


Dáiddadállu has worked purposefully within the arts and culture  industry, and is celebrating 10 years in 2024. We will use this  occasion to celebrate and showcase Sámi contemporary art. 

Dáiddadállu invited its diverse group of artists to create new  works of art especially for the 10 year celebration. Emerging are  several exciting works of art reflecting our artists willingness to  experiment and to push creative boundaries.

As a part of Dáiddadállu 10 years our artist has created long  awaited art for public space in Kautokeino municipality. These  permanent works of art represent Kautokeino, its people and its  history.

Dáiddadállu 10 years group exhibition will exhibit several new  artworks of different character and material. An experimental  interdisciplinary process has led to art-works that live in  between theater/dance/music and visual art/duodji. That is  to say, on several occasions during the exhibition period, the  group exhibition’s visual artworks will be brought to life through  performances.


Anja Saiva B. Bjørnstad, Bernt Mikkel Haglund, Ánna-Katri Helander, Anthoni Hætta, Susanne Hætta, Ann-Sofie Kallok, Hilde Skancke Pedersen, Máret Ánne Sara, Ingá Márjá Sarre and Anitta Katriina Suikkari together with collaborators Sebastian Björkman, Li Taiga and Alexandra Wingate.



Dorjon • Support • Støtte:
Dáiddadálu dáiddárguoimmit • Dáiddadálu artist partners


Kulturdirektoráhtta • Arts and Culture Norway
Guovdageainnu suohkan • Kautokeino municipality
Vásit Guovdageainnu • Destinasjon Sápmi
Finnmark Fylkeskommune